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FlexiClick energy contract
Take full control of your purchasing strategy
With the FlexiClick energy contract for companies you create your own energy price by setting the price at different points in time. This way you can respond quickly to price fluctuations on the market. Result: you limit the risk of an unfavourable energy price.

Only valid for companies with a minimal annual consumption of 500 MWh.

Seize market opportunities
Minimise the risk of an unfavourable energy price
You can actively choose the most advantageous moments to purchase your energy
You can also opt for green energy
Do you prefer a Belgian green energy contract? That is perfectly possible.

Request your quotation here.
You decide the duration, the click period and the number of clicks (n) when signing the contract
With Target Alert you actively monitor the evolution of energy prices
You make a click when there is an opportunity
The Average Click Price is the average of your clicks, calculated on a monthly basis.
This price applies to 100% of your consumption
Not sure which formula is best for you? Our free tool finds the right formula for you every time.
Energy and so much more

Seize every market opportunity
Follow the energy market closely thanks to our recognised expertise and our extensive range of free services.


Personal advice and assistance
ENGIE is known for its excellent service and customer focus. Our expertise can make all the difference for you. That's why our employees are always happy to help.


Including renewable energy
You can also purchase 100% Belgian green energy from our green production parks.



More than just a partner for electricity or natural gas partner

A quotation for your company?
Request an energy offer tailored
to your company or public institution online.